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Children’s services

It is always an emotional time when a child becomes involved in a legal case. When these instances occur, it is even more important that they are dealt with practically and sensitively.

Our specialist family solicitors will always offer the best advice for your situation. If proceedings lead to court, you or your child can count on us for expert representation. Where possible, though, we will always try to arrange mediation, in order to reduce the stress of the situation for all concerned.

Speak to us about:

  • Care proceedings involving social services and the removal of children
  • Forced Marriages of minors

The right information when you need it

Making sure your child is safe and cared for is a huge responsibility, and one that we take very seriously. You can come to us for any legal query regarding your child with the knowledge that whatever your concern, it will be dealt with sensitively and specifically.

A smiling child A child standing by a rose